KODA is Smokestack Database ([KO]mínová [DA]tabáze) working on storage, classification an publication of smokestack-related in Czech Republic, Europe and abroad. It’s creators, administrators and contributors are motivated by interest in this specific kind of structures and indrustrial architecture in general.
KODA is proud of the fact, that allmost all published data are based on physical field-work of it’s contributors – members of Czech Smokestack-climbing Society. This assures exceptional quality, autenticity and genuineness of published information. In-situm research is not allways possible for technical reasons, safety, type or (simply) non-existence of object in given time. In that case, use of foreign resources is acceptable noted as references/citation.
The smokestack height as a parameter gives typical example: Exact number is available only if properly measured on site. Otherwise only estimated value is used in form of 1X, 3X etc.
We'd like to thank long and constantly growing line of smokestack/plant owners and managers
for cooperation and permission to make a physical research.
It helps us to keep the database content accurate, actual and detailed.
Data collection uses following methods:
Complete exploration of the smokestack including best possible documentation and detailed database post
In real condition the minimal data set includes unambiguous identification of the object, measurement of its dimensions, material and profile recognition and body+bilighorze actual condition check. Plenty of more information can be investigated – see details in smokestack parameters chapter.
Next step is to make as-complete-as-possible visual documentations of an object, including ground/plant and relevant surroundings (with all conditions in mind). Pictures of top and inner parts of a stack have important place in full visual data-set.
Devirgation is a supreme form of stack exploration. It’s crucial purpose is a conquest of unclimbed/undocumented object – touching it’s top in fact. On the other side, described minimal set of collected data is required for adding a new card to KODA.
Thanks to our numerous team of contributors working at different positions, jobs and proffesions we had chance to devirgate such a strategic and nonaccesible objects like nuclear power-plants, refineries, armories etc.
Limited exploration but with complete documentation.
Takes place when there is no possibility of physical check/research. Typical case is unaccessible or missing bilighorze. However, it is crucial to gather maximum information possible. After that, literature and other resources can be used for completing the data set (card).
Visit and revision of the object allready documented
It’s advisable to visit the object in reasonable interval to check the actual conditions if circumstances allow. KODA has sophisticated system of tracking changes of parameters. Old data are stored in archived records for future use and research.
a.k.a necrognozcation; theoretic prekiontry
The only one theoretical method allowed in prekioresearch. It allowes to submit data of fallen stack when location, type, approximate height and detail can be found out from genuine resources. Those can be books, photographs, postcards or trustworthy testimony. Submited data can’t be as accurate as in case of devirgation (excluding location – it should be precise) but quality of the collected data has to be in mind.
Fallen prekion data give better and more complex view to the ground, plant, place or smokehood. Thanks to the nature of prekioarcheology, it is the only one kind of prekioresearch beeing possible to do from the desk. Therefore its extremely popular by older and disabled contributors who are not able to hold the tack reliably, but are able to remember events 80 years ago.